The type of route chosen depends on your physical fitness, riding experience, destination and distance. By using an eBike, everything will be made easier. In fact, eBikes offer excellent support even for those with little physical preparation.

The size of the bike is important. It should be neither too big nor too small. Our eBikes are suitable for people with a height of 150 to 185cm and a maximum weight of 90kg.

If you have special requirements, please contact us.

Cycling is fun, but you need suitable clothing for each season. If you are cycling long distances for the first time, cycling clothing is highly recommended, but shorts or underwear suitable for cycling are also fine. Cotton underwear should be avoided to prevent unpleasant lower back pain; if possible, wear clothing made of lycra or seamless synthetic material.

Also check the weather and temperature before each start. If you do not know how to dress, do not hesitate to ask our staff for information.

⭕️ Good for cycling
❌ Not good for cycling

Always use a helmet for your safety. Cycling gloves and sunglasses are recommended.

If the weather changes suddenly, first get to a safe place and wait for the weather conditions to improve. In case you feel in danger or cannot return in time to return your bicycle, please contact us

For carrying small items, such as wallets or cameras, we recommend small backpacks. Shoulder bags are not recommended. If you have bulky luggage and do not want to take it with you, you can use our locker service and leave it at our facilities.

Remember that in Japan you must drive on the left side of the road. Traffic lights and stop signs must be obeyed at all times. Driving or cycling while intoxicated and using headphones or a mobile phone while driving is strictly prohibited by law.


The recommended distance for your cycling trip varies depending on the altitude difference and your physical fitness. The northern area of Izu Peninsula (Izunagaoka, Numazu and Mishima) is relatively flat, but the central area (Yugashima and the Nishi Izu Skyline) has considerable differences in altitude, so the average cruising speed drops a lot. If you choose a mountain route, calculate an average speed of 15km per hour.

Izu Peninsula is famous for its beautiful scenery, but there are very few refreshment areas in the mountain areas where food and water are available. Always carry a bottle of water and snacks with you to avoid sudden drops in energy. All our eBikes are equipped with a convenient bottle holder.

If you have any mechanical problems, flat battery or unexpected punctures, please contact us immediately on the following number: +81 055-948-0055

However, in the event of a puncture, negligent damage will incur an additional repair charge.
Puncture repair: JPY 2,500     Broken spoke: JPY 3,000 etc.

In case you have been involved in traffic accidents, here’s what to do:

    If someone has been injured, immediately call the emergency services (number: 119)

    Request police support (number: 110). Contacting the police is required by law.

    Contact us immediately for assistance (+81-055-948-0055).

We always recommend a valid insurance policy during your stay in Japan. In case you are in an area where your mobile phone does not receive a signal, request help immediately. For more information, please consult this website.

Before you set off on your trip, carefully check your physical condition and that of those you are cycling with in order to adjust your route as best you can. We recommend not going more than 100 km per day. If bad weather is forecast, it is always better to shorten or change your route.

You can delay your drop-off time, but any extra hours will be charged on your return. If you are still too far from one of our drop-off points and are too tired, please note that not all public transport (Tokai bus or the Izu Hakone line) allows bikes to be loaded. You can use the bicycle recovery service (paid service), but we will give priority to people who have booked. If you are not sure, one of our service cars can follow you throughout your journey (paid service). If you have any problems, please contact us as soon as possible.

For all damages caused by incorrect use of the bicycle, you will be charged for repairs and/or replacement parts. Please use your bicycle with care.

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